2nd Grade Spelling bee words - Play the sounds ,then spell the words

Created 3 years ago    
Total Attempts
Highest Score
100 %
Average Score
25 %

Average Duration

2.3 Minutes
90 - 100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79%
50 - 69%
0 - 49%
9 - 10 mins
7 - 8 mins
5 - 6 mins
< 5 mins



Spelling Bee, 2nd Grade, English Language


10 questions in 10 minutes

cord arms west team skim belly hire wink move aid rose deck bead hurt grins leaf spurs elm foot bank paws oak drive alone frogs dew paste unkind person nearly lower walk obey winner pilot fresh roof flying bitter south stack panda slumber gall wishes missing pretend nodded change once zone clasp boxcar roar graze pesky return fetch thorn fancy rinse vanish escape alien nutmeg glinting radio wheels darling hutch awful muster padlock welcome platform spiral rafters illness tablet wailing blanket thrilling jacket rambling harvest agog shudder cartoon dither rodents compost lizard voice cosmic liberty pirate dumplings promise excellent cheddar
