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- Words of the Champions Three Bee - - Play the sounds ,then spell the words
Words of the Champions Three Bee - - Play the sounds ,then spell the words
Created 5 years ago
Average Duration
Spelling Bee, Competition questions, United States, English Language
10 questions in 20 minutes
Three Bee Quiz lacrosse, epideictic, sororal, ululate, outré, dhole, obloquy, tamarack, apocryphal, embouchure , linnet, tussock, degauss, étouffée, profligacy, sesquipedalian , plenipotentiary, cetology, lecithin, goosander, demulcent, embolus, farina, heuristic, nudibranch, triquetra, tomography, effleurage, bergère, rhyton, orogeny, esplanade, tamari, arenaceous, panettone, tmesis, clerihew, katakana, Parmentier, rugose, brume, extravasate, incunabulum, cordillera, zazen, cabochon, apres, zydeco, consanguine, bibimbap, demitasse, tomalley, bouffant, bas-relief, Wensleydale, bonspiel, hackamore, blancmange, simulacrum, cnidarian, apoplexy, verdure, fait accompli, penicillin, foley, syzygy, Beethovenian, susurrus, kaffeeklatsch, peregrination, paraquat, prana, sinciput, abattoir, diktat, Machiavellian, rheostat, thylacine, calefacient, obdurate, nunchaku, cormorant, gnomon, pinetum, brucellosis, diamanté, auteur, labefaction, aestival, empennage, lysozyme, thaumaturge, fouetté, badinage, mignonette, coadjutor, chiffonade, haricot, Luddite, wickiup, impugn, derecho, harmattan, incarnadine, dulcinea, nainsook, querida, paillard, Glaswegian, stannum, putsch, denouement, hortatory, Marquette , autophagy, Airedale, malleolus, panjandrum, champignon, exsect, Bunyanesque, floruit, Freudian, poltroon, souchong, megacephalic, otiose, andouille, urushiol, diluent, bobolink, anaphylaxis, realgar, guayabera, plangency, puerile, foudroyant, caveola, duello, Rembrandt, Beelzebub, rhinorrhagia, glaucomatous, fossiliferous, sphygmometer, kibitzer, loup-garou, solipsism
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