SAT® Practice Test #3 - Writing and Language Test

Created 6 years ago    
Total Attempts
Highest Score
0 %
Average Score
0 %

Average Duration

34.6 Minutes
90 - 100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79%
50 - 69%
0 - 49%
31.5 - 35 mins
24.5 - 30.5 mins
17.5 - 23.5 mins
< 17.5 mins



SAT, Writing Test, English Language


44 questions in 35 minutes

Each passage is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you will consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising and editing decisions.


Olalekan S Ade
@ De-light